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There used to be two brick buildings on the site. One was used to restore the other, which was fitted out with a small kitchen and dining area.
Food and drink are usually available in the Mess Hall at OPEN DAYS. Items may vary and the menu and prices are subject to change.
The menu below is an example only.
Typical item
Tea Coffee Cans/Tins of drink Bottled Coke Filled Rolls Sausage Rolls Meat Pie Scones Gateaux Fruit Cake Apple Pie & Cream Crisps
Typical prices 2012
60p 60p 50p £1.00 60p 50p 80p 60p 80p 60p 50p 50p
The Museum's Mess/Chow Hall 2013. It was not originally a mess hall.
By using our mess hall you are helping with our funding.
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93rd Bombardment Group Museum, Station 104, Hardwick, Norfolk, UK.