Take the A140 south
towards Ipswich.
About 10 miles (16km)
south, after the village of Tasburgh, turn left onto the B1527
(formerly B1135) east towards Bungay.
Then see opposite *
Take the A140 north
towards Norwich.
About 1 mile (1.5km)
north of Long Stratton, turn right onto the B1527 (formerly
B1135) east towards Bungay.
Then see opposite *
From the east
Head for Bungay in Suffolk.
Follow the complex Google
route from Bungay opposite. **
(GPS) or NOT ?
There are countless
other routes along Norfolk's meandering narrow by-ways, so
turn off your SatNav (GPS) and just enjoy the countryside.
All right then, for
those of you who lack a sense adventure here are the GPS coordinates
52.470913 - 52° 28' 15.2868"
Lon: 1.3327310 - 1° 19' 57.8316"
This may not be strictly
to the inch/mm but it'll get you there.
OK, you have only 15 minutes, 6 miles (10 km) to go.
On the B1527 (formerly
B1135) — after leaving the village of Hempnall, turn
right in about ½ mile (800m) towards Hempnall (The)
Greens along Alburgh Road.
Continue for about 1
mile (1.5 km), straight on past the Hempnall "Three Horseshoes" public
house on your left. After a further ½ mile (800m),
turn sharp left, then sharp right. The airfield is now
on your right but don't stop yet.
After about 400 yards
(metres), turn left into Barford Road towards Topcroft.
After a further sharp
left and right, keep straight on at the 'T' junction along
Denton Road. Don't turn
left into Topcroft Street.
After about 200 yards
(metres), look for some white gates on your right. Turn
through this opening onto a private concrete road, which used
to be part of the airfield. The 93rd Bomb Group Museum
is on the next series of sharp bends.
Please drive slowly
and carefully. On OPEN DAYS a
one-way system may be in operation.
See photo below.
Maps routes
Google Maps route from
Norwich to Tasburgh / Long Stratton using the A140 and
B1527 (formerly B1135).
Google Maps route ** from
Bungay via the A143,
B1132 and Topcroft Street. A pleasant trip along Norfolk's
country lanes.